Bulk Drill Upload
Please note the following when preparing your CSV file:
- Skill Level: Use numbers 1-5 (1: New to Sport, 2: Beginner, 3: Intermediate, 4: Advanced, 5: Expert)
- Complexity: Use numbers 1-3 (1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
- Drill Type: Use any combination of the following, separated by commas: Competitive, Skill-focus, Tactic-focus, Warmup, Conditioning, Cooldown, Contact, Match-like situation
- Positions: Use any combination of the following, separated by commas: Chaser, Beater, Keeper, Seeker
- Number of People: Leave the max empty to indicate that there is no upper limit.
- Skills Focused On: Provide as a comma-separated list
- Video Link: Provide a valid URL if available
- Diagrams and Images: These can be added after uploading the CSV, during the review process.
After upload, you'll be able to review and edit each drill, add diagrams and images, before final import.
Download a CSV template with an example drill in the proper format. If you have issues opening or using the CSV, contact Austin.